Kako sam upisala NYX skolu sminkanja : How I got into NYX makeup school

Da...zvanje profesionalnog sminkera. Kada dodate ovo profesionalni uz bilo koju profesiju zvuci dobro, zar ne? Htela sam to...
Moj put do tog zvanja bio je dug, zbog moje neodlucnosti da krenem konacno na kurs, ali uspela sam, yeiii!

Dugo sam tragala za kursom koji bi mi odgovarao. Ili su bili predaleko, ili preskupi, ili su trajali predugo..nista mi se to nije svidelo.
Otisla sam do Pozarevca da drugom i drugaricom, da potrazimo neki kurs koji bi nam odgovarao, i nismo imali srece. U jednom momentu smo odustali i seli da popijemo kafu i da se nakon toga vratimo kuci. Krenuli smo i videli da imamo jos vremena i odlucimo da odemo do prodavnice Alexandar Cosmetics-a, da ubijemo nervozu kupovinom sminke :D 
pogledala sam na telefon i bilo je 11;11. Verovatno do sad svi vec znamo znacenje broja, jel da? 
Imala sam neki dobar osecaj, i ako sam bila u totalnom down-u jer nismo pronasli nista. Ali, isla sam ka prodavnici sa nekom zeljom..ne znam kako da Vam opisem.  
Otisli smo u radnju, razgledali, isprobavali sminku...dok, u jednom momentu devojka koja radi u prodavnici nije rekla: 'Zanima li Vas mozda kurs sminkanja?'
U glas smo rekli: DA! 

Devojka nam je objasnila da je u pitanju NYX skola sminkanja, i da krece za par meseci, da cemo imati super mentorku, da cemo dobiti sertifikate i td. 

Malo me je kocilo sto je kurs trebao poceti tek za par meseci, jer sam ja zelela sto pre da zavrsim, ali s obzirom da sam cekala dugo, sacekacu i ta 3 meseca.

Upisali smo se, ostavili podatke...i cekali!

Citamo se uskoro.
Find me https://www.instagram.com/itsmilicanikolic/

Yes ... a professional makeup artist. When you add this professional to any profession, it sounds good, right? I wanted it ...
My path to that professional was long, because of my hesitation to go on course, but I made it, yeiii!

For a long time I was looking for a course that would suit me. Either they were too long, or too expensive, or they lasted too long .. I didn't like it.
I went to Pozarevac with my friends to look for a course that would suit us, and we had zeto luck. At one point we gave up and sat down to have some coffee. We saw that we still had time and decided to go to the Alexandar Cosmetics store, to killsome time by buying makeup: D
I looked at the phone and it was 11; 11. Probably, we all already know the meaning of the number by now, right?
I had some good feeling, and even I was totally down because we didn't find anything. But I went to the store with some excitement ...
We went to the store, looked around, tried out some makeup ... until, at one point, a dirl that works at the store said, 'Are you interested in a makeup course?'
We said: YES!

The girl explained to us that it was a NYX makeup school, and that it would start in a few months, that we would have a super mentor, that we would get certificates, and so on.

I was a little stunned that the course was supposed to start in a few months, because I wanted to finish it as soon as possible, but since I waited a long time, I would wait for those 3 months.

We signed up, left the information ... and waited!

Read me in the next one.

Find me: https://www.instagram.com/itsmilicanikolic/


  1. Happy New Year dear! I follow you on gfc # 4 , follow back?



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