Moje iskustvo sa NYX skolom sminkanja: My experience witn NYX makeup school
Zdravo po treci put :D wow, napredujem sa blogovima, haha.
U proslom blogu pisala sam kako sam upisala skolu sminkanja, ali u ovom bih volela da Vam prenesem moje utiske, neke koji bi mozda upisali istu.
Ovako, ja sam upisala ubrzani kurs, od 5 dana, iz razloga sto sam ja imala vec iskustva sa sminkom i sminkanjem u globalu, tako da su mi samo bile potrebne neke smernice, kao i sertifikat.
Kurs se odvijao u prostru jednog salona u Pozarevcu. Nas deo za obuku je bio na spratu, tako da nismo imali kontakta sa musterijama salona. Imali smo beauty ogledala i led svetla, ring light i naravno, puno sminke. Jedino smo morali nositi svoje cetkice, sto je i ok, iz higijenskih razloga.
Moja mentroka je bila Ana Petrovic, mozda nekima poznata kao @laninsminkeraj. Ana je bila zaista divna, strpljiva, kurs sam isla sa drugom, i bukvalno smo jedva cekali sutradan da se vratimo tamo. Devojke koje su bile sa nama u grupi su bile super, cujemo se i dan danas.
Prvi dan je bio teorijski dan. Pisali smo skoro 4 sata bez prestanka...od toga sta je puder, preko rumenila, bronzera...koja je cetkica za sta, i td.
Drugi, treci i cetvrti dan bili su prakticni dani. Ana je uvek imala drugu devojku kao modela, koju je ona sminkala. Pokazivala nam tehnike za razliciti oblik oka, lica...kada ona zavrsi devojku, mi smo se delili u 3 grupe po 2 osobe, i sminkali se medjusobno. Ovaj deo je meni jako pomogao, s obzirom da sam ja morala nauciti kako da radim lice nekom drugom, sem uvek sebi.
Bilo je zaista zabavno igrati se sa svim bojama, tehnikama..vreme je letelo. A pauze od 15 min su trajale po 45 u obliznjem kaficu, jer nasoj prici o sminkanju nije bilo kraja.
Peti dan je bio dan za polaganje,ali mi smo vec znali da cemo svi proci :D Vodila sam sa sobom drugaricu kao modela, i polozila.
Od tada je proslo godinu dana, ali meni je ostalo u jako dobrom secanju..ako uzmemo u obzir da ja ne pamtim sta je juce bilo, a ovo pamtim i nakon godinu dana, onda je zaista bilo divno iskusto.
Ako me pitate jesam li nesto naucila, mogu Vam reci da jesam. 80% stvari koje sam znala i koristila u sminkanju sam izmenila zahvaljujuci Ani i NYX skoli, i sve je izgledalo mnogo bolje.
Mnogi imaju razlicita iskustva sa NYX skolom sminkanja, moje je kao sto vidite bilo sasvim korektno. Mozda zavisi i od mentora, pa i od osobe koja ide na kurs, ne znam.
U svakom slucaju, imam sertifikat godinu dana i radim posao koji volim, i kao sto bi moja mentorka Ana rekla: Sminkeri rade najlepsi posao na svetu. Potpuno se slazem!
Citamo se u sledecem! A do tada, vezbajte sminkanje :D
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Hello for the third time: D wow, I'm making progress with blogs, haha. In the last blog I wrote that I got into makeup school, but in this I would like to pass on my impressions, experience.. So, I enrolled in an accelerated 5 day course because I already had some experience with makeup and makeup in general, so I just needed some guidance, as well as a certificate. The course took place in the premises of a salon in Pozarevac. Our training section was upstairs so we had no contact with salon custumers. We had beauty mirrors and LED lights, ring light and of course, lots of makeup. All we had to do was to bring our own brushes, which is ok, for hygienic reasons. My mentor was Ana Petrovic, to someone maybe known as @laninsminkeraj. Anna was really lovely, patient, positive ... I went with my friend, and we literally couldn't wait the next day to get back there. The girls who were with us in the group were great. The first day was a theoretical day. We wrote for almost 4 hours non-stop ... what is powder, blush, bronzer ... what brush is used for, etc. The second, third and fourth days were practical days. Anna always had another girl as a model, who she used to glam up. She showed us techniques for different shapes of eyes, faces ... when she is done with a model, we split into 3 groups of 2 people, and do each other's makeup. This part helped me a lot, since I had to learn how to do someone else's face, other than myself. It was really fun to play with all the colors, techniques .. time flew by. And the 15-minute breaks lasted 45 in a nearby cafe, because our makeup story had no end. The fifth day was a exam day, but we already knew we were all going to pass: D I took my friend as a model, and passed. It's been a year since then, but I have a very good given that I do not remember what happened yesterday, and I remember this after a year, then it was a wonderful experience. If you ask me if I learned something, I can tell you that I did. I changed 80% of the things I knew and used them in makeup, thanks to Anna and the NYX school, and everything looked much better. Many have different experiences with NYX makeup school, mine as you can see was quite correct. Maybe it depends on the mentor, and even on the person taking the course, I don't know. In any case, I have a certificate for over a year and I do the job I love, and as my mentor Ana would say: Makeup artists do the most beautiful job in the world. I totally agree!
Read me in the next one! Until then, practice makeup: D
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Hello for the third time: D wow, I'm making progress with blogs, haha. In the last blog I wrote that I got into makeup school, but in this I would like to pass on my impressions, experience.. So, I enrolled in an accelerated 5 day course because I already had some experience with makeup and makeup in general, so I just needed some guidance, as well as a certificate. The course took place in the premises of a salon in Pozarevac. Our training section was upstairs so we had no contact with salon custumers. We had beauty mirrors and LED lights, ring light and of course, lots of makeup. All we had to do was to bring our own brushes, which is ok, for hygienic reasons. My mentor was Ana Petrovic, to someone maybe known as @laninsminkeraj. Anna was really lovely, patient, positive ... I went with my friend, and we literally couldn't wait the next day to get back there. The girls who were with us in the group were great. The first day was a theoretical day. We wrote for almost 4 hours non-stop ... what is powder, blush, bronzer ... what brush is used for, etc. The second, third and fourth days were practical days. Anna always had another girl as a model, who she used to glam up. She showed us techniques for different shapes of eyes, faces ... when she is done with a model, we split into 3 groups of 2 people, and do each other's makeup. This part helped me a lot, since I had to learn how to do someone else's face, other than myself. It was really fun to play with all the colors, techniques .. time flew by. And the 15-minute breaks lasted 45 in a nearby cafe, because our makeup story had no end. The fifth day was a exam day, but we already knew we were all going to pass: D I took my friend as a model, and passed. It's been a year since then, but I have a very good given that I do not remember what happened yesterday, and I remember this after a year, then it was a wonderful experience. If you ask me if I learned something, I can tell you that I did. I changed 80% of the things I knew and used them in makeup, thanks to Anna and the NYX school, and everything looked much better. Many have different experiences with NYX makeup school, mine as you can see was quite correct. Maybe it depends on the mentor, and even on the person taking the course, I don't know. In any case, I have a certificate for over a year and I do the job I love, and as my mentor Ana would say: Makeup artists do the most beautiful job in the world. I totally agree!
Read me in the next one! Until then, practice makeup: D
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